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Home is where the Heart is

Good Morning! Thanks to all who took the time to read my last blog entry and to give me wonderful feedback on how to improve it. Since this is really my first venture into pursuing this, I can honestly use all the help I can get! I know many of you know me and have been walking with me for a while now, but for others - you might not actually have ever heard of me or met me. So in order to change that, I am going to start out telling you bits and pieces about me, things that really make out a big part of my personality. Ready? Okay, let's go! This picture here was taken this morning. It's the space I like to use for writing, for studying the bible in the mornings, for reading, listening to music, painting and for playing my guitar. It's a bit a one size fits all kinda space, if you know what I mean! But you have to agree - it is quiet ideal! Once I took the picture, I started to ponder what caption to put with it; and almost immediately one of my favorite ones cam...
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Welcome Friend!

Mae Govannen Mellon, (elvish for: Greeting Friend)  Yes, you have guessed right - I am a total nerd - in love with anything Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Star Wars, Marvel and DC. I pray my husband one day is a reincarnation of the late and honorable Mr. Darcy. And throughout this blog; I am warning you ahead of time;will be many references from such books and movies taken, because they especially speak to me.  But as do nature, cooking, art and music - Anything praiseworthy, beautiful, true and noble causes my soul to soar. I love a struggle between light and darkness and the Bible is chiefest of all stories where the good guys kicked the bad guys tush's :) I heard it said that the old testament is basically a love story. Where God - the Pursuer, Lover and Warrior is the Hero. Satan is the evil adversary who is constantly trying to steal away the Hero's beloved. And who is the lovely future Bride and Beloved? US! You and me and every human who has ever walked this...